Title: Exploring the Cuelus App: A Digital Twist on Crossword Solitaire

Good morning everybody. I’m going to talk to you about the Cuelus app today, instead of the physical game. There is the main menu. I have a little… This is Tom, and I’m hoping you enjoy my game Cuelus. That’s a little welcome thing that we recorded. Here you can go, and there are the game rules. And you can go to the store. You can buy the physical game. You can go to our website. And then here are the stats. The person who owns this phone is solving 78% of her rolls. She’s played 1286 times. If you hit reset, it will go back to zero. Okay, now, let’s play. It plays very much like the physical game. And I do the same thing I do with the physical game, is I put my vowels over there. And if I have doubles, I put them together. That’s the only double. And I look for… I got a Z and a V. So, I have TZ. I have… Ooh, how about this? I’m going to go with DITZY. DITZY. Then, I could do… Oh, how about this? ENVY. Then, I could do FIG. And… Oh, I have… I could do VAT. Or, I could do… I guess we’re doing VAT. I was going to say I could… When I solved it, so when I solved it, it automatically gives you that thumbs up and it rings that little bit. It’s actually two notes on my piano. Now, you can get this game at either the Android or Google or Apple stores. And it’s Cuelus Crossword Solitaire. Have a good day, everybody!