Master Your Time, Control Your Wealth: A Guide to Breaking Free from Trading Time for Money

It, you’re tying the price to money because you have to trade time for it. So everything is gonna be expensive to you. I don’t know if I can buy that car. It’s $50,000 and you make $50,000 a year. Is this really worth a whole year of my life, this car? When you buy some shoes or you buy a handbag, ladies, and it’s two, three thousand dollars and you make two, three thousand dollars a month. You said to yourself, is it really worth me buying a bag that’s worth a whole month of my life? If you trade time for money, meaning you have a job, you’re tying everything to time, and that’s why everything is expensive to you.

Oh, I’m flip my camera around. I’m ripping around now a new flash. These two ebooks right here show you how to stop trading time for money. And both of them give you an option of making money 24 hours, 7 days a week. Cuz last time I checked, when you’re doing affiliate marketing and you’re creating content on the internet, the internet is up 24 hours, seven days a week. And crypto is not the stock market. Crypto is traded 24 hours, seven days a week. You have two things here that will show you how to build wealth 24 hours, seven days a week. You will not be trading time for money is what I’m trying to tell you. This is extremely inexpensive. When we start talking about you gaining and controlling your time, somebody say amen on that one. Here’s the link, by the way, if you wanna get down with that power of Publish Dot Co. Power of publish Dot Co, if you are just a tad bit lazy, you can click this right here where it says Calvin Hill in the corner of your phone. I promise you that. It says downhill in the corner of your phone. You can click that right where it says 305,000 likes. That’ll bring a picture of me in the center of your phone. If you click that picture, it takes you directly into my TikTok where that link is. Copy that link or click that, click that link. If you click that link, it takes you straight to that page where you can literally find out how to stop trading. Time for money where is going to be expensive for you for the rest of your life.

I told you that I was going pre sell it to you. I’ll just, I’m just being a man of my words. Some people don’t talk to you like that. That’s the way that she’d be talking to you. That’s that grown sexy talk right there. That’s the grown sexy talk.

You see a lot of people were like, you know, saying, I can use it. Yeah, I could do this. And some of the, some of the, some of the fella, some of the ladies be like, I mean, you know, I cook and I clean. Yes, I got this, you know, saying I’m, I’m, I’m, I’ll be whipping at that. You should see me this, the grown folks, the grown sexy top right here.

Getting your time back. You don’t talk to me if I was single, you know, I’m saying I’m not. But if I was single and a girl wanted to impress me, she like, you know, I can help you get your time back. Girl. What have you been on my life where you can help me get my time back, control my time.

Oh, this is the sexist . I earn my life. You, they don’t make them like you, do they? Somebody fit me. Somebody, if I start putting that in a game, that’s gonna be part of the game. You know, I can help you control your two time in your town.

You’re right. You know, you know I can help you control your two time in your town.

That’s the sexy you can hear all week. I’m telling you right now. If some ladies on here right now, I say, let somebody roll up to me and say that and whisper that in my ears on.

I’m just trying to say it to y’all in a way that y’all gonna remember. See, if I said this way, you’ll laugh. You’ll get a good laugh on it. You remember it, and then you won’t forget it. If I would have gave it to you in some type of, you know, fancy, you know, saying, you know, Kendrick Lamar, Pelissa Prize winning words, you wouldn’t cut it.

But I gotta just say it to you like that. Oh, man. Somebody say given the loop. That’s funny. Some might say. I say it again.

We no silence and reels, you know, I can help you control your tools, time and your talent. You gotta do the lip thing too. Gotta do. You gotta do lip. Let me see what does y’all. Hilarious, man. You know what, man? What time is 11 o’clock?

I gotta get out this live, man. I gotta get off this lap with y’all, man. Y’all is boy, you also mouse boy. Awesome knows. So here’s I wanna I it is my remarks for the live at the end in the in the live of here’s my remarks for you.

I showed you a lot of stuff on the charts for those of you who’ve been watching. Hey, let’s look at bitcoin real quick before we leave out. Let’s look and see where it was cuz you guys already know that I told you about, you know, passing out that white line, which was, you know, you know, which was like a short term thing for bitcoin do let’s see right now where we at on that white line and if we actually trying to get up here and approach, look, look at you, bitcoin trying to approach, trying to take another run at this yellow, at the top of this yellow joint. Check it out. This is what Bitcoin is right now, right?

$63,685, right? We got past this temporary little white line right here where we get all these rejections, reject, rejection.

So what we’ve done now here, this was a doji candle, which means the market was indecisive, didn’t know where they want to go up or down. That’s what that doji candle, green candle, right? And so we ended up catching a bearish candle right here. But we found support. See how this candle closed right on top of that line?

Okay, the way y’all need the reason that I drew this, cuz, listen, ladies and gentlemen, if you’re getting rejected on the underside of this, if you break through it, it has to become support. Because once it becomes support, that means you now have a foundation for it to rally up to test the next high. So it caught this and it rallied up here and it, but it got rejected at this.

See, this is a macro dissension of bitcoins all time high was $73,000 right here. Just to make sure I’m recapping it for you. See, $73,000, this is the all time high for Bitcoin, period. And all of Bitcoin’s history. That not just, not on this chart, but all time high bitcoin 73,000.

Never been higher than this right now. Okay, and we came down, we found support cuz, you know, we got rejected up there and we, you know, see that next candle, we got rejected. And so the bears took control and we pulled down.

This right here is called an engolfing candle, by the way. But whatever we found this right here, support. Okay, the Bulls took control, rallied up. Okay, you see that? And then guess what? The Bears took control.

Tried to push it down all the way down here to a bottom, but the bulls took control back again, and then we rallied up. But then we got stopped out trying to create a higher high, meaning we were trying to beat 73,000 and we got stopped out right there. Therefore, I have this descending channel, this yellow channel right here. It’s important because the bottom of this is gonna be support and the top of this is gonna be what we call resistance. So we got rejected there. Bears took control, rallied up, didn’t have enough steam to get up here to test this on the top side, bears to control, rally down and we rally back up.

This was a temporary line where we was getting on the underside rejections, that white line, reject, rejection, rejection. So we finally broke through. Once you break through, you have to test that white line on the top side as support, which you seen we got right here. But we rallied up to try to break out of this descending channel, okay, and got a rejection. So now that we found support here, again, there’s more support and we see this candle rallying up. Does, do the bulls have enough steam to push this up here to test this again?

Cuz if not, then we move sideways a little bit. Maybe we test this again in a couple days or so, I don’t know. Or we move sideways and we come back down here to test this as, you know, support again. I don’t know. We just have to go ahead and just look at it.

And I told my audience this several days ago. Let me just remind people this since I’m doing this. Hold on, I gotta go ahead and show it to you. Look, serious, show to you. This is a screenshot that I took on May 1st at around 10:30. That means I was late on my live late.

It’s 11:05 right now. That means on may the first, around 10:30, I was on a live, that means five days ago, and I took this screenshot and I actually drew this in front of my audience. I drew this first to show them we was in a dissension, meaning Bitcoin is going down.

Cuz if that’s a high, this is a lower high. These are all lower highs. Everything here is lower than this point. This is Lord and Ness, that’s a fact. And so we’ve now broken out of this temporary little trend line that was bearishness. CD.

We was right here five days ago, meaning we was down here. You see it? So we came crashing down here, boom, right? And then we started rallying up. And now that we’re on the top side of this white line, we’re making sure that this is.