Dent Hatch Giveaway: Fun and Engaging Ideas for Winning Free Tubes!

Good morning my loves, happy Monday. So I’m coming on because I wanted to get some of your input, advice, suggestions, opinions, what have you. The other day, as you guys know, I mentioned that we are so graciously being sponsored by Dent Hatch. And I’m so excited to say that we’re not only able to give away one tube, but we’re able to give away 20 tubes per month, 20. So I’m really, really excited about that. But I’m thinking maybe it’s best to not give it all away in one lump sum. I was thinking maybe like five tubes a week. That way we have, you know, five to give away each week of the month and we don’t run out. But I was also trying to come up with ways to make this more fun and more engaging. It would be easy to just, you know, throw everyone’s names in a hat or use a generated online wheel to choose the winners. But I was hoping to find something that was more fun. Like I said, more entertaining, pull more people in and get people just to enjoy themselves while earning some free Dent Hatch at the same time. So we’ve talked about doing trivia, maybe changing up the theme every week. And I’ve also mentioned about how much I love music. And of course doing like maybe guess the lyrics or guess the song, what have you. But if anyone can come up with anything else that they think might be fun or something to do on live to get everyone involved and, you know, get a little fun game going a couple times a month, that would be absolutely wonderful. Like I said, we have not just one, but 20 tubes to give away each month. So I think it’s only fair we do five a week, once a week. And also we have a coupon code to save 20% off. I’ll be sure to link that in the description below. But if anyone can come up with any ideas, like I said, to make this more fun and more engaging, I am open to any and all suggestions. So if you’d like to leave those below or send me a private message, I would absolutely adore that. I hope you have a blessed week and I can’t wait to talk to you all soon. Love you.