Mastering the Art of Stopping Distance: A 4-Second Rule for Safe Driving

Stop a distance in the rain. So eight seconds isn’t it? Ten seconds? No. I like your extreme caution but it’s four seconds. Oh, that’s why I failed on mine. I thought four seconds was when it was clear. Two seconds when it’s clear. Two seconds for clear. When you say clear it’s like a nice sunny dry day. Four seconds for wet. And then 20 seconds for I feel so. That’s why I failed. I thought it was more. That doesn’t seem like enough though. No, that’s the minimum. That is the bare minimum. And people don’t even give that. No. No, that’s why we have so many crashes on here. But how do you count the seconds? So when they pass an object, so like that service sign. One, two, three, four. We’re four seconds behind. Oh my god. See I was like, when am I supposed to measure that? When they pass a stationary object, count how many seconds it takes you to get there.