Reflections on Glasses, Censorship, and Societal Shifts: A Concerned Observation from Across the Pond

So now, August 12th, 1025 A.M. Eastern Standard, the, why has every pair of glasses I got crooked? The same people, the same UK guy that said he was going to come after us if we incite riots over there, now they’re telling, sorry, now they’re telling people that if they use bad language or foul language out on the street, they’re going to be fined a hundred pounds. What? Are y’all all right over there? For real, like, y’all went, like, we were like steady, we were steady getting towards communism and, you know, the U.S. just collapsed and burned into the ground. And here you all go just, you just, um, yeah, oh, and thank you, Michelle S. I’m going to tell you again, she’s the one that found this for me. Appreciate it.