Navigating Emotional Triggers and Staying True to Your Vision: A Message of Clarity and Persistence

Hey everyone, have you ever had a situation in front of you that just frazzles the absolute shit out of you where you just go, huh? How do I even make sense of this? I’ve just had something like that play out in my life and frazzled is the word and I want to do a message in this energy. It’s not negative, it’s not necessarily bad, it’s like, huh? So I just want to see what wants to come out based on this energy and see what you need to know or hear today. As always, take on board what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Let’s see what you need to hear in this message today. I’m sure I need to hear it as well because it was quite an interesting experience is all I’m going to say. Let’s just see what is coming through for us today. Okay, we have got the three of swords in reverse. Three of swords in reverse. Okay, so something that you’re getting past some sort of hurt or trigger. Okay, the hanged man. Don’t read too much into it. This is what I’ve been telling myself and my brain wants to take me other places, but I know it’s not true. I think I’ve analyzed something too deeply or wants to go into that, but it’s not true for the death card. You’re trying to move past this, but there’s something that you keep ruminating about. So what wants to come through in this message is what you are perceiving versus what has just happened isn’t actually true. Okay, so you might’ve taken it a certain way and it’s taking you back to a time when you were triggered, that something has come up for you emotionally and you’re like your brain wants to go to, it’s always this way, blah, blah, blah. But what it has happened in front of you isn’t related to that. Okay, so don’t take this as evidence to support your past beliefs or past triggers. Process your triggers, process your emotions, but don’t get caught up in them. Because you’re holding onto that mindset and it’s not serving you. So this is definitely very true to me. Looks like, how appropriate. Let’s see what else is coming through here. It flips, but then it flips back around. So I’m not taking it. We’ve got the page of cups in reverse. Okay, the eight of souls. This is hilarious. You think that you’re becoming too emotional. You’re becoming too emotional. I’m not saying that your feelings aren’t valid. What I’m saying is that this is, you’re going all up in your head and you need to get out of there. Okay. You need to stay here and go, okay, I’m intuiting this wrong. My pain is trying to make me think a certain way. It’s not, okay. It’s not that way. It’s quite literally what has occurred has occurred. Right? Whatever that person did, whatever that situation happened, it was just an isolated incident. It’s not here to support your narrative of your past experiences to prove it all right. You know, all the same and it’s all the blah. It’s nothing like that. Okay. But your brain wants to go there and it’s not true. So stop staying in this loop is what’s coming through. You know, with me, this is just a negative belief system that I’ve had, that I’ve been trying to get rid of for a while. And you know, it takes me back to a point when I was less emotionally aware, I guess. And I was just sitting here going, no, this is just my old self trying to come back in and it’s got no place here and whatever is in front of me is full of shit. It’s not full of shit. It’s not related to that. Okay. So you need to start really be being able to discern the difference between this. So why is this actual message coming through? Why is this important for us to hear? The night of pentacles are full. The thing is you need to slow the hell down. Now I don’t normally don’t like this guy, but in this case I like him. Okay. He is someone that sits there stick in the mud and stay, stay true to your vision of what you want. Okay. Regardless of what’s going on, regardless of what’s playing out, regardless of what you’re seeing. Okay. Just know that what you want is done. What you have been manifesting or wishing for is coming your way and that it’s a new beginning coming in. Okay. So I don’t want to listen to this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, If you want to sit here and bitch and wine, scroll. Okay. We don’t do that on my channel. We don’t sit here and state in our misery. We process our emotions and then we get back on the horse and we keep going. We keep persisting. We keep desiring what it is that we want and we don’t stop until we get it. Okay. We don’t sit here and be like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But this is about of it. No. Okay. So if that’s what you want to do, scroll. Okay. Good love. All right. Let’s see what else wants to come through here for us. The page of swords. Yeah, look, you gotta get the clarity. This is gonna make sense later, okay? You really need to stay true to your vision. Stay stubborn. Stubborn, right? With what you want. It’s coming to you. It’s on its way. Just stay there. Don’t be going back into this loop. No, no, no, no, none of this mental conflict. You’re not tied to anything, okay? You’re not tied to anything. You’re tied up in your head. So none of that, thank you. What else is coming through? Me included. All right. Hi, priestess. Yeah, see, your intuition’s off here. Your intuition’s off. This is pure emotion. This is pure trigger. This is pure, you know, you wanting to go into, muh muh muh muh muh muh. We don’t do that here, okay? This is emotional triggering and your intuition’s trying to make it seem as if it’s your, my gut feeling says this. No, it’s not. It’s your patterns, your belief systems, what you’re used to, things not working out for you, yada yada yada, nah. Okay? Feeling lost. You have quite literally taken what’s in front of you and catastrophized it, okay? Right? It’s like someone tied a shoelace and then you thought it was a bomb explosion. It’s literally that in your mind, okay? It’s literally that two extremes. It’s got nothing to do with one or the other. It’s literally two different events. That’s how you need to see this. Let’s see what else wants to come through to finish this off. Yeah, see? You’re not left out in the cold. This is all a bunch of hot air, okay? Let it pass, let it go through. There’s nothing that you’re not seeing that you shouldn’t be seeing. There’s nothing under any rock that’s waiting to be, the moon is here on the bottom. There, it’s, and it’s in reverse. So there’s nothing being hid from you, okay? Trust, believe, so you can receive. Don’t be going down this rabbit hole of stupidity because that’s where your brain wants to take you and we’ve got to stay out of that. Do you understand what I’m saying? I hope you do. And if you want me to look at your specific situation, the links are in my bio. I’ll see you guys next time. God bless. And if you have audited reading from me recently and I’m a little bit late, I have been a little unwell, so I will get back onto those and get them out to you most likely tomorrow, okay? Thanks so much, guys. Have a beautiful day and I’ll see you next time.