A Morning Delight: Blueberry Bagels, Cream Cheese, and an Iced Vanilla Latte in South Minneapolis

So I had an order this morning and the delivery was right next to my job. So I had to stop in since I can’t write me a mock-a-day. I got a blueberry bagel toasted with plain cream cheese and of course an iced vanilla latte. So let’s try it out. And I got to park right in front of the place for one. Mmm this is good. From the weekends when I’m packaging the bagels, the blueberry ones always look amazing. But I never order that because I want a savory meal to take home when I get my free meal. I got a discount of 20%. Who doesn’t want a latte in the morning? On a Monday morning. I’m in South Minneapolis. I just did a $43 order and it took one hour. But it’s quite a drive. That’s okay. I’m enjoying myself.