Wild Adventures by the Sea: A Hilarious Tale of Wind, Waves, and Knicker Mishaps

So let’s, yeah, came out to Managh for a swim and I think I got wind burn on my face because it’s fairly wild out here. So yeah, but the water is lovely. But there’s a couple of brown jellies inside there. Yeah, actually I had a heart attack seeing one I pointed out to my friends and the two of us. Yeah, we ran like we were Olympic runners out of that water. But yeah, then we were trying to get dressed in the wind and whatever. So my friend was, and do you know the way when we were younger lads, we don’t need fucking tread up knickers. Now our knickers are like parachutes and our knickers took off. It was like a parachute. But by God she was quick to get it. And then I said to her, you know, we were getting dressed up to get your knickers on. She said no girl, it’s inside my pocket. I was afraid to blow away again. Oh yeah, actually weak. But yeah, it’s wild out here today. I’m going to show you now. Yeah, and there’s a backlash off of thin as well. But yeah, so funny. But no, obviously didn’t go and get glammed because there was nothing could be done with me really. But I was here to support my friends. Yeah, so that’s it now lads. So I’ll catch you all soon.