Random Dishes and Storytime: Adventures in Cookbook Prop Hunting

Morning. As many of y’all know, I’m in the middle of writing a cookbook. And what a lot of people probably don’t know is that I buy random dishes, okay, to take pictures with. So today we’re going to buy some random dishes. Our first stop is Beals, which is one of my all time favorite stores. Okay, y’all, this store is amazing. My favorite is when they put the fall stuff out. That little cabinet is so cute, that color. Bubba needs a desk and this desk would be perfect. I’m going to show this to him and see if he likes it. This right here, that’s a good photo prop. So is this bowl. All right. So they had no dishes. They ended up with some cat toys. There’s one bowl and some bags. All right. I had a $5 off coupon, so I saved that. Now we’re walking next door to the Dollar General to see if they have some dishes. Just kidding. That store was an absolute wrecked out mess. It’s so disorganized. We’re going to go to the Dollar General by my house. Can I get free today? Hey, can I get a peanut power plus the 20 ounce, just the regular? Did you want to add any extra enhancers to that? Extra peanut butter, please. Is that going to be all for you today? Yes. Found this bowl and this one. These are perfect. We have secured the bag. At home, I have this split pea soup that I’m about to photograph. Here’s all the stuff we bought right here. And here is a stack of stuff right here. This is cookbook stuff. This ain’t even all of it, y’all.