Empowering Update: Taking Back My Power and Standing Up for My Family and Home

I know a lot of you want an update, so I’m gonna give you what I can. I did it scared. I stood up for myself and the safety of my family with my husband by me and he didn’t say a lot and it’s not because he didn’t want to, it’s because I asked him to let me do it so I can take back my power from men like this who love to make women feel like this. He showed up with a folder with his license and insurance, which he has never done, aside from the day that he came to give us estimates. And so I knew, he knew and saw my social media, which is fine, because I never gave his name, I never said his company name. In fact, this comment right here that I pinned is from when I made the videos of so many of you asking, drop the name, drop the business, expose this man. And I wouldn’t, because that’s not why I’m doing this. I’m doing this so women can finally use their voice even if it shakes, even if they’re scared to stand up for themselves and for their families and for the integrity and safety of their home because it’s wrong. Not to be a smear campaign, it is to literally use my voice. There is nothing illegal about that despite him threatening me, saying he spoke to an attorney over the weekend and he learned a new little word called defamation. In case any of you guys were wondering, in order to sue someone for defamation or slander, that person has to tell people your whole name and who you are. There are thousands of Brads and Chads and dads in the world. So just knowing his name is Brad isn’t really gonna help you guys. We have an amazing team behind us moving forward of some incredible people that we’ve talked to. I’m really grateful to the city of Dublin that’s gonna be helping us with all of this and the two police officers that came and just were incredible, just making sure we were safe. I did go into the basement with three of his employees to help them clean it out and I told the police officers, I do not need you coming down here because I feel safe with these three men. And I think as women, that’s really important to be able to use those words, when you feel safe and when you don’t. And I have always felt safe with these three employees and they hugged me and they apologized for all of this. Some of them said that it’s been a long time coming and that they thought I would do it sooner and that they were sorry. And I made sure I told them all that if they needed food, money, something, please tell me because that’s my biggest fear is them not, like just them getting in trouble. I don’t want them to get in trouble. They were just doing what they were told, but I did it. So I don’t know how our basement’s gonna get finished for the next process, but what I know is that I feel safe right now, at least in my own home. And I took back my fucking power. So don’t be afraid to do that. Please don’t try to snoop and figure out who it is. Don’t be sleuths. I don’t need anybody coming to my defense like that and being an army of bullies on the internet because that also, hate doesn’t solve hate, right? Just because someone wrongs you, trying to wrong them or hurt them back, it doesn’t solve anything. That’s not what I want. What I want is for my basement to be done right, safely, honestly, so I can live in it and have fun with my kids and my family and play games. Gonna make TikToks in my kitchen. And I deserve that and we paid for that. And that’s not what we got. Give you updates. Our attorney says that we can. But again, this comment is really important because it has never been doxxed the entire time. I am very careful with people’s identities, including my own on the internet because I have children. And this man has a family. He has children and I would never want his wife or his children to feel the fear that I have felt dealing with this situation. And so please do not do that to someone else. Don’t let it get to that. You’re just saving space and being in this space and giving me the courage to be able to get to this point and do it is enough. So thank you and I will update you as I can. On a really positive note, I got invited to the Taylor Swift concert in Canada. So I’ll be going with Nora and Adam and my sister-in-law. And I just really fucking love Taylor Swift. I’m gonna go listen to her right now and just calm down and feel better.