Sunrise on the Reaping: A Girly Pop Rom-Com Journey with Suzanne Collins

all you girls, gays, and days, get all of your girly pops down to the movie theater for the new Hunger Games movie. It’s a really cute rom-com about a guy who goes on a game show and falls in love with his fellow opponent. Wear your jewel tones because they’re gonna fall in love while watching the sunrise together. And here we have the author of the book the movie on here to say some things. Hello, I am Suzanne Collins, the author of Sunrise on the Reaping. I am so excited for you to see the new movie based on my book. I know you are wondering where I have been. I am not being held hostage. Hello, I am one of the starring roles in the new Hunger Games movie and I’m just here to say that I don’t think that the government is actually all that bad. Don’t listen to my co-star. She doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about.