Mastering Precision Haircut Techniques with Clippers: A Step-by-Step Guide

Okay, Clipper made her open all away. This is the beta clipper. How you can see No. 2 open all the way to the crown line right here. We’re gonna leave a little bit of bulk. En we go no la explica English de Clipper look how the Clipper cut? En wigg, los palo tagila en wiggle in the other side of explicado, no explicado, no explicado y que no explicaba Cross allá to the back Old of way to the back en paz de clipper, en paz, según English, don’t pase hard on the School, don’t pase hard on the School, don’t Press wheels of haver on Black show you Passed Bo you Glass the clip for you Guy, the Clipper you See You Glide Clide don’t preset on the School, don’t Press it, you have to glideade creeper. Danza o hay paz. My Clippers, this is how you grave la idea. En Vent Yuok Liter when you go to the spa the you ready wanna STOP you flike out you fly go in you flickado in you flik out it on have to be like sayer rated is just gond be like a like a small mufemen. Now, this is the soft themes, the soft twamers i used for the box specialy on the seton of the Zero. Now Oriol’s Bell. Soft tramer sell with the line of the I soul of the Wanda to that by the Earth Three Dous bahy the Heath no we Trade together trades together con Net connet clean The Net clin the Net. Connect the back clin the neck now from the Second that to the first down. En we conect we connaugh divide en clean. Fronter. En Guachahui Deline Down compromiso deline de your ready made OK just the Bot the rest of the here en cleaner of good in the other i pude play flat en clean The Rest believe me like this this down open ha oh rayos Bell One that to dot by the year three dous in the in the part of the head in the back of the head now from the turk truece together to the Second that One finger of size. Second, that traed together to the first date One finger size now returns trails together retouch trae together. Now close halfway and we’re gonna hit halfway on the section. Now close it all away. Right on top of the line. Right on top of theright on top of the line. Open it, recharge, make sure everything is not need any. Even close on, you have to deal with one of the best. Wah ane open one open house on fire sequence on the. The iya. The now try to get her from the second. Wolfinger save from the second. That to the first dot, one finger or size. And now we trace together and we retouch. We traced together and we retouch and we made sure it was one finger size. Make sure you got one finger size. Close halfway.

Halfway on the section. Close all the way, Ryan, on top of the line. Right on top of the line. And I freak out a little bit. Really minimum, the movement right on top of the line, have guard open on top of the line that the No. 1 didn’t take, and we glide the clipper without making pressure, and we glide it on top of the line.

If he doesn’t take it out, we see the trace right there. Check it out. Look how I glide and I wake it up right now. I close halfway right on top of the line and I glide it and I glided right on top of the line. I glided without making pressure. Right now I close all the way, gliding the clipper on top of the trace. And look how you take it out open. I recharge with the corner wherever my heart tells me that I got a heated to make my face look nice and neat.

No, you see close. I glide the clipper on top of the traces and look how he blends. You just gotta learn how to glide the clipper without making pressure on top of the skull. Two. Open we Youtube little section of the wanna Heaven webip what we in the bikining the bigger a little biger and with Star 13 in that news hecho with the twenty head. Close hatway on deception. A little belower close oloway Ride bit between two nup. Three sixty Open do hit the Trade between wanna happen to. Rider of top of the line isidone tool that trace close a little by en hileragen. I Garanti You, yo conozco happy Soul. H tuglyfe the will make no pressure to it juga rate this job. Sampai je OP who take a leach? Final flyer is like this like this like this brooch bros brooch brocken flik design klik dari olang. Close one close all away, and. Eat whatever rest of the trade you have between 2 and 3 now with the tinning cheers, we gonna connect the two and a/2. En three with top en we Group de here there is falling to the side wing not gonna go in. En wheel blendering, this is how wetin de her out willo’s que no tiene a little Beto connected toilux Ou Smooth together. Now we’re gonna do a little bit of cheer. So I’m gonna make a guideline upfront. I already know his hair. I don’t have to debate too much. So I’m gonna take a little bit of front and we gonna start thinking. And we made the guideline and we follow and we take some and then we keep going, doing the same thing to the back, the same thing. You see, not that hard. Don’t complicate yourself too much. Now I’m gonna do the beer. We’re gonna make a straight line and we’re gonna follow the guideline that he already did, look high past the race of blade. And then the race of blade is brand, no enhancement, nothing. I’m just making like with the rest of the head that I’m cutting. And then here we make the L. Hello. You see how it’s falling together? We clean. Look the difference now. We make the air really nice. We try to make it the best that we can. Now we do the bar right here. I slide the blade, no pressure, to the skin. With the blade, you see the bar have to lie, be right where the hair grows, especially when the root is right there. You don’t gonna go to bed, you never gonna have like a really sharp line. Okay, now we grab my chart trimmer. In this case my recharger, and now we’re gonna curve, we gonna curve and we’re gonna pay. Un palo. Fallow y the razorblade with de conner. I just clean Whatever Trace i May with my trimes 1, making a new Line and Ennity. The Nine of the Dreamer. To The Beatles.