Embracing Youthful Wellness: A Reflection on Health and Aging

Obviously, many of you have already experienced this in your life, most likely, but there hasn’t been much death in my life. At this point, I’m 31 years old, but I think that’s probably the hardest thing to cope with as you get older. It’s not really the growing away from friends. That’s not really bothering me that much because I’ve always been a solo traveler, a solo adventurer. I’m literally sitting on a bench in Richmond, Virginia by myself at a park, and it’s very serene and peaceful right now. Thinking about the eventual death of my very small family, my grandma, my mom, my dad, their health issues, it just makes me want to take that much more care of myself in my youth because your 30s is youthful. I’m glad that I really decided to change my mind about my health this year because we always tell ourselves, oh, I’m going to do this with my health, I’m going to do that, I’m going to work out, I’m going to eat right, but until you get in a consistent groove with it and actually apply those thoughts that you have, you’re not going to make no motion with that. But I’ve been grinding this year and just seeing all of the health issues around me, it’s just making me want to go that much harder. So if you take anything away from this video, I just urge you guys to take your health more seriously because you don’t want to be up in these US hospitals, I’m telling you, especially as a minority, you do not want to be up in these hospitals. I know some things may be out of your hand because they could be genetic or we can’t exercise and eat our way to a completely healthy body sometimes, but it’s a start and if you’re healthy right now, you damn sure can prevent a lot of diseases from choosing the right foods and exercising consistently. And there’s a lot of content on here that tells us damn near everything we eat is bad. Literally, there’s a video for every single food I feel like on this app telling us that it’s bad for us, but don’t listen to everything you read. We’re here. Just fucking focus on doing the right things and just take care of your body.