Navigating NDIS Planning: Exploring Draft Plan Summaries and Joint Planning Processes

You mentioned draft plan summaries. I hadn’t actually heard that terminology before, but I missed it. But I know the minister mentioned it. Wake. So, guy, what does that mean? What’s.

In it? Yeah, so one of the things we’ve been trying to do is because of the printing of draft plans, you know, thing that we’re just trying to fix at the moment.

We were trying to work out whether there was also another way in which we could give people, participants earlier visibility of the conversation that just take with the Lac and the planner so that they at least had something that would show that everything that talked about and asked for or thought that they required, including their goals, was captured in a document take away at the end of the planning session. So that at least there’d been acknowledgment that this was a conversation that had been had between both the LSA and the participants. So we were looking at that as another way of trying to get the earlier visibility for participant. As I was saying, what we now quickly doing is evaluating the pilot in South Australia to make sure that’s the best way, whether there’s an even better way. But hasn’t that.

Already been an. So it’s going to implemented on in a 2020 or if.

I got around joint planning or.

No, the, to have planned.

Summaries if it has, senator, and that’s our intention. So our intention is to proceed with the. That was made. What I’m really saying to is that if we find in the, after we’re planning evaluation that we’re doing, we can do things better and differently, then, you know, we would always look for that. We know that’s.

Miss Randall. I’m getting very confused about the, between a joint.

Plan and a draft play. What’s the difference? The joint plan is process by which the planning conversation take place. Yes. And joint refers to an LSA and a piano delegate sitting down together.

What? With the participant? With, of.

Course, yeah, with the participant. And a draft plan is a, is what it says. It’s a, it’s a draft plan. It’s a planning draft before it’s approve.

Yes. But assumedly then the draft plane would, you’d sit down the Lac and the delegate would sit down with the participant and say, this is the draft, this is where we’re thinking, this is the direction we’re moving in. Do you think, what’s the difference between that process and a joint planning process?


Is to join training process. You got out on it, where all the parties in the room can you minor adjustments have, should the goals right? Have we got your outcomes he’s how you plan shaping out with all the supports in it, you make any minor adjustments and you plane on the spot. So that’s the process of review the draft, planning that conversation and then make any adjustments as you need to, as I said. And then, well, I think what we sort of South Australia out approve at 90,91% of meeting. She’s really quite different to.

Now. I’m sorry to catch you up, but I’ve gotta catch a plane. One of the, or some of the evidence that the committee has received is that, and whilst that print principal censoring, it’s worthy of further investigation. What some of the participants are saying is that they felt like they were a gun today hate, you know, this is the draft. We’re in a joint session. This is the draft. This is where we’re at. This is the plan. Or, you know, if you don’t like the plane, well, we’ll have to go back to the drawing board or, you know, it’s gonna be another three months or something before now we have this conversation again. Some parents are saying to us they felt like they had gone to their head. They felt like that they, I had no other option but to say yes.

And look, that’s certainly not the intent of how they join plan should go. So if that’s happening in certain this part about try 4 out LA scenes in our planets, cuz that’s certainly not the intent. It’s a genuine collaborative conversation be getting out of that. The ones that I’ve seen and heard haven’t gone like that, but some obviously you’re getting the feedback. So it’s something when to look at cuz we’re gonna roll it out naturally. We need to get all of those things.

Try again. Partner organizations are obviously very important. LSA role very important, getting, get, creating the plan. How do you work with an organization to ensure that there is quality of process, in that there is real rigor around the monitoring of a plan by the Lac, there is a discussion with the participant, are sufficient around implementation. And for us, gather the day, perhaps too much emphasis on submitting a number of plans.

Judgment of the other issue is around training of Lacs. And alright, what we’ve heard that are there of training is always sufficient for created plan. And the third pointer around the LSA says were called it seems to be very variable. You can have one organization will have 100 a case load and for the same amount of time as someone else who might have 65.

The first thing I think we all agree with, this hat in transition where we had large volume. Think it’s fair to say that the experience of some places was that they did feel like it was very fast. It wasn’t. I felt rushed and I think there was a lot of pressure on everyone to get people in and get the volume in.

What we’ve seen now is I a gradual now move to making sure quality, the thing that we focus on. We always try to focus on quality. But you know, sometimes we heard stories that, that was lost. And so one of those things in the KPIs, a number of things will go to quality and the quality of the participant experience. The other way that we find out about how participants feel their experience is through the participant satisfaction survey.