50th Birthday Roast: A Hilarious Night of Crushing Jokes and Yacht Stories

I did my 50th birthday party, she crushed. I killed. And it’s like, obviously it’s different than- That’s hard, that’s more difficult. No it’s not. Well, I think so. I did a nice roast. You crushed. I crushed. Wait, did you compliment him or did you roast him? She roasted me good. Good. It was really funny. How long were you writing it and did you get, did you have writers with you? No, I did it all by myself. Wow, that’s huge. And I kind of like started jotting stuff down when I knew I was going to do it. And then like two days, three days before I like structured it. Wow. One of the jokes she had, that was really great. She’s giving me an idea what it was. She goes, she says, I want to thank Jason for marrying me. Cause if not, I’d probably be abducted on some rich guy’s yacht by now. Oh, I was like, I was like on too many yachts and too many private planes and now I get to be in Studio City safe. You have yacht story, you have a great yacht bit. Oh yeah, yeah. That was probably my first bit.