Understanding Hidden Sensory Needs in Children: A Parenting Guide

On this video, I’m going to explain to you and luck. Thus these two hidden needs that parents in general overlook and may confuse with my child is just aggressive or so picky eater.

How do I get them to eat? So you get to understand your child a lot better and have daily routine being a last smoother. So the way I’m going to do this, I’m I need to put something on my face because I yeah, I need makeup. So I’m going to do my makeup while we chat.

Hello, my name is Marcella Collier. I am a certified parenting coach here in HAC Parenting Education, and our mission is to help parents bring a lot more peace to their parenting and raise emotionally healthy children by gaining understanding other children’s overall needs. That’s our parenting with understanding methodology. If that’s something that is of interest to you, I encourage you to subscribe and to stay on this channel.

Do you have a child who is hard to wind down? Bad time comes in. You know that they’re tired and then they keep jumping and they’re, they have this energy that you’re like, where did they get this kind of energy? It’s like they don’t have an off button. It’s all day. It’s over the top. Sometimes it’s almost reckless. I fear it’s gonna, they’re gonna hurt themselves or at the opposite.

Do you have a child who takes a lot to warm up? Who is very scared or of transitions, new experiences, who is very picky eater, picky with clothes, picky she with everything.

Wine, salad. If you have one of these two children, you are in front of a child with sensory needs. And you don’t have to have a child with sensory processing disorder to have a child who has sensory needs. Matter of fact, all of us have sensory needs, but some children are highly sensitive to sensory experience, and they, they express it do this way. Okay, so I’m going to start doing my makeup and then we’re going to talk about that, those hidden needs that a lot of parents overlook.

So let’s start with sensory seekers are children whose nervous system has an under response, if for a lack of better words, to sensory stimulation. So what is sensory is everything that comes through our senses. So what we can smell, what we can hear, what we can touch, what we can taste, does the sensory experience that we have.

When we have kids with unresponsive nervous system, then they seek that sensory stimulation to feel regulated, to feel like they can move on with life. So those are the kills that you see all the time seeking that. So, and they sometimes may seek in very inappropriate ways, like punching their blue brother or like being so hyper that you don’t even know how to scroll them down and not to destroy your house. Those type of things. They may enjoy spinning and hanging out, hanging upside down. Anything that is related to like, I need to feel something through my senses. They might be screamers because they have that need to s to be arbitrary stimulated. They might play with their food. They might just and be aggressive, sometimes interrupting conversations or being disruptive in class or you getting a lot of reports of like, hey, he’s talking a lot. He’s so disruptive. He’s on, he’s not on task. You are in front of a sensory seeker. Meltdowns could be part of this because if they feel. I, I, I, because if they feel understimulated, they’re going to melt down to fill that stimulation. So those are the sensory seekers. The problem with a lot of parental interventions is that we see that and we try to stop the behavior, to stop the child from seeking that sensory stimuli when the answer is to provide the environment and teach them better ways to meet their need. And if you want, if you have a sensory seeker and you’re like, okay, how do I do this?

On May 16th, our neuro complex coach in HIC, parentina, myself, parenting coach, we are going to do an open house live event inside our secure Parent Collective membership. Where I’m going, we’re going to walk you through the method, how to prepare the environment, how to meet the need, how to help your child communicate that need differently, how to redirect the energy. So your life with your sensory keto is a lot easier and smoother and overall calmer.

I have a sensory seeking kill. And when once I start applying these things, I saw results in the first week, Ann, I taught this to 98 clients. 98 of my coaching clients who have sensory seeking kilos. And they saw results as well by understanding and meeting their children’s needs. They saw less high productivity in the morning, in the evening, less rough housing, you know, aggressive rough housing, and just overall a better experience.

So to sign up, all you have to do is go to HIC parenting.com or go open the description of this video and it’s there. The link is there. This is an exclusive event for the members of the Secure Parent Collective. If you’re a member, you don’t have to pay to enter. But because it is open house, if you are not a member, you can join us for that. Are they, you are going to get Najo teaching, but direct coaching from us.

Okay, so let’s move on. Sensory avoiders. So sensory avoiders are the picky eaters, the picky with clothes, everything is too tight, too scratchy. That’s one of my twins, my noodle divergence. And everything is scratchy. Everything is tight. Everything is too much. He cries hello for different things. He, he, they may reject, eh, hygiene activities, such as brushing teeth is a struggle.

I need to do my casual rabbit talking a lot. And this is my all time favor, Maybelline Multi Use Concealer. I keep repurchasing it. I don’t think I could see myself using anything else.

My son struggles with sensory in, you know, he’s a very picky eater, but not picky of. I will show you one thing once or twice and then you may eat it at the fourth time. Picky of. I would, he would rather go hungry, starve himself than just, than doing something like eating something that is a lot for his system. So those are the sensory avoider.

I hope this video helped you. I and remember, it only takes understanding of yourself and of your children’s needs to transform your parenting. That’s parenting with understanding. I’ll see you next time. Bye.