Gen X TV Show Challenge: Can You Name These Classic Characters?

All right, Gen X, I got my fancy vacation shirt on. We’re gonna do the ultimate Gen X challenge TV show edition where I’m gonna give you three first names of characters in popular TV shows from our childhood and young adulthood. If you get 10 out of 10, you get a Gen X award, which I will tell you what it is at the end of this video. They get harder as they go. They start off super easy. Here we go. Number one, you ready? Blanche Dorothy Rose. Golden Girls, you got that right. Number two, Sam Diane Coach. Cheers, maybe the greatest sitcom of all time. Number three, Cliff Theo Rudy. We got the Cosby show, right? Something we loved back in the day. Now we’re conflicted on. Number four, Frank Trapper Hawkeye. That’s MASH. Number five, something we all watched. Maria, Gordon, Luis. You got that one? It’s the grownup real people that aren’t Muppets on Sesame Street. Number six, getting a little harder. Sam, Al, Ziggy. Sam, Al, and Ziggy are on Quantum Leap. Number seven, Vera, Mel, and Tommy. You got it, Vera, Mel, and Tommy? Do I need to bell you out by saying Flo? That’s Alice, that’s Alice. Number eight, Gordon, Willie, and Tommy. And Brian. Some of you are gonna say this is a trick. It’s not really a trick. Gordon, Willie, and Brian. That’s Alf. Of course we all know Alf’s real name was Gordon Chumway. Right? Number nine, if you know where I’m from, that’s a hint. Venus, Les, and Jennifer. Venus, Les, and Jennifer. WKRP in Cincinnati. What’s the opening credits? That’s my neighborhood. And the last one, if you get this, you’re the ultimate Gen Xer of the day. You ready? Agnes, David, and Maddie. Agnes, David, and Maddie. Moonlighting. Did you get them all? If you got them all, you got 10 out of 10, you get the ultimate Gen X award, which means you get to walk around all day and know you’re young but actually be kind of old. That’s the award. Good job.