Bracing for the Shit Show: Donald Trump’s Interview with Elon Musk on Twitter X

You ever read something that’s a really bad idea and as you read it you’re like This it’s gonna be a shit show. It’s gonna be fucking horrible, right? So let me tell you What’s taking place tomorrow night Tuesday at 8 p.m. On Twitter or the website formerly known as Twitter X whatever you want to call it that flaming Nazi pile of shit that Elon Musk owns tomorrow night at 8 p.m Donald Trump is gonna be interviewed by Elon Musk live on X and I can assure you it is going to be Absolutely the shit show you think it’s going to be I have no idea Who is in charge of communications or press for Donald Trump’s campaign? But whoever they are keep them on Keep them on because they’re failing Big time and I am living for watching the downfall of this campaign I know that no matter what every Republican in America is going to blindly Wander into that voting booth and shamelessly circle in anything that has an R next to it I understand that but I also know that there’s a very large population that is Absolutely sick of his shit and the Republican shit because this last Congress with them doing absolutely literally fucking nothing people are mad people have problems they want addressed and the Republican theater kids in Congress Are more concerned with doing their podcasts and going on whatever conservative right-wing Propaganda show for the day or jerking somebody off at Beetlejuice. They’re not doing their jobs. Nobody did anything Last session, what did they do? nothing literally historically the most Do nothing Congress in the entirety of our entire country That’s an accomplishment Republicans Which is why you have to get out and vote blue up and down your ballot This November to get our government working for us again. Okay. Love you. Bye. Bye