Spontaneous Blend: Whiskey, Cherry, and Peach Cocktail

Random cocktail. It’s been a while. This is one where I haven’t planned anything, but they’re usually the best ones. I like whiskey and I like cherry as well, so we’re going with 25ml of Jim Beam black cherry. 25ml of peach schnapps. I’m literally just making this up as I go along. Next, pineapple rum. Now, it hasn’t got a pourer on it, so I’m going to be really careful. Nailed it. We’ve got cherry, we’ve got peach, we’ve got pineapple. Orange. It’s about right. And shake. I thought it was going to be more orange. Now, my prediction is that it’s going to be way too strong because I haven’t put enough mixer in. But, you know… As predicted, it’s kind of strong. Probably should have done more mixer. Eh, I’ll plan the next one. Or you could just let us know what you want us to try in the comments. It’s allowed out there. I’m going to give it a 7.