Daily Life Chronicles: Conversations, Home Security, and Plans for the Week

1st day Hey you guys Hey Sky Sky What are you doing? I’m just watching my video I’m so tired I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep Where are you going? 2 твоase mozoundedinterENE Amazon I leave my back door open a lot due to the pets wanting to go in and out. And I haven’t looked to change this yet. And that is so scary. I am like, oh my God. Oh, I don’t even want to touch it. Things are really great. You just peel off the backside of one. It’s kind of hard because they’re like very sticky. So let’s just put it back in here like that. Plug it back in and then you turn on the light. The light like attracts them. Good morning. Happy Monday. I’m feeling so tired today. I think probably just because it’s Monday. I had like a pretty relaxing day yesterday. It’s about to be that time of the month for me. And I am like breaking out like crazy. This week I do have a short week, which I’m really excited about. I’m not working on Friday because my boyfriend’s getting Lasik eye surgery. So I have to like take him just like make sure he’s good. Other than that, like I have a pretty easy week. All I’m doing is just going to work and doing my normal stuff at night. So should be pretty good.