A Salute to Teachers: The Unsung Heroes of Education

Hey y’all, the people who I think’s doing a good job today are all the teachers that are starting back school because I know this is such a busy time of year for y’all. I’ve got a couple of teachers in my life who are very special to me. And one thing I’ve learned is they’re some of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met. Like even when they ain’t working, they’re working. They’re getting stuff ready for the next day or grading tests, the list goes on and on. And believe it or not, I wasn’t always the best student. I did work hard to maintain my perfect 2.0 GPA, but after seeing the behind the scenes of what the teachers do, I had no idea of the work they put into me. And if you think about it, teachers probably have the most important job in the world because they’re the ones that are teaching the next generation of doctors or lawyers or whatever they wanna be. They can’t get there without their teachers. And I just think teachers are some of the best people because you know they’re doing what they do to make a difference. So if you’re a teacher or anybody who works in the school system, I just want you to know we see the hard work you do and we’re thankful for you and we’re proud of you and we hope you have a great year. And if any teachers of mine see this video, I want you to know I appreciate all you did for me and I’m proud of you too.