Sweet Moments by the Water: A Day with Baby Z

Oh, so nice in the water. Yeah, so nice baby. Oh, goodness gracious, goodness gracious. Cool you right off, eh? Good girl. Yes. But then the eye shadows in the water. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. But then the eye shadows in the way. Oh. Oh. Oh baby girl. Hi mom. Hi baby. Hey baby. Oh yeah, it’s so cute, like she’s been doing it on a girl bus too. Hi baby. Don’t worry, I’ll carry you. I won’t make you walk yet. Yeah. Barely. What’s the matter? Oh. Oh. She’s trying to take a cute video then. There he jumps. Oh, good girl. Alright, ready Z? Good girl, here you go. Good girl. Good girl, this way. Good girl, this way. Up, up, up, up, up. Yes. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Oh. Come here baby. Goodness. Are you ready? Are you ready for it? Yeah. Oh, the sun’s shining right on your face. There you go. That’s the good stuff. That’s what we come for, yeah. You only get the one. Who, all good? Oh, so much better, hey? So nice. So nice. Cool your radar off today, eh? Come in the water. Such a good girl. Such a good girl. Wanna go in the water? Come here Z. Wanna come in the water? Water’s over here. Come here. You’re getting ready. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. There you go. Cool it off. Such a pretty night, night.