Mastering the Art of Paintwork Polishing: A Step-by-Step Guide with 3D Polish

Roy, so really common question for us then, how to remove dirt and nibs and dust and all that, all those kinds of things from fresh paintwork. So we lock anybody shop, don’t get perfectly clean paint, but it’s all about what we do afterwards that brings that finish. So what we’re gonna do, this is a relatively clean job at the top edge has got a lot of dust in it. So I’m gonna flat this down and we’re gonna try out this new 3D polish that we’ve recently got. This is available on Amazon. It’s really big in the States and I can see why cuz we’ve used it on a couple of cars that we haven’t done paintwork on, what we’ve done polishing on, and it’s been fantastic. And now we’re gonna try it on fresh paintwork and see how well it performs. So let’s get something. We’re gonna start with the 15, grip wet, and then move our way up through 2000 and 3,000 and polish up from there. So at 15 grit, then it’s one of these CRF foam disks. These are absolutely fantastic and a lot to use them where I’ve got an interface pad. Let’s get some in and let’s get polishing. Don’t first thing, then sprit some water over the panel and we do the side. Then on the disk, just make sure we got plenty of water and then we’ll start standing and you’ll see closing. Then what we’re trying to take out Rod, just what I’ve got that areas on there. I’m just gonna take the a bit of blue roll and draw that off just so we can get in a bit closer and have a look at what’s left as far as dirt nibs go and how much further we need to go. I mean, that is looking pretty clean so far. It’s taken most of it out. Would you like one of these? I would love one of those. Yes. A Micro 5 are perfect. And I’ll just clean one as well. Ready for puffing off that polish, right?

Yeah, so that straight away, that little battery sander with the 15 on as clean that top area up. Perfect. So I’m happy with that. When I come back now, I’ll do 2000 with the same brand of disks, and then we’ll do a 3,000 and we’ll finish there. Because this polish says that it will take out thousand grip marks. So if it’ll take out 1,000 grip marks, I’ve got no worries. Polishing up to 3,000 trizact and going from there, right? Switched over to the 2,000 grit then of the same brand, the Sea Air disks. And let’s just do over that area now again with flattening, polishing.

It’s important where we’ve come to that 15, we go slightly beyond that 2000 to make sure we get all that 15 grit damage and scratches out. So let’s go. So just wiping off after the 2000 grip.

Then lights are clean off in between each stage. So I can see exactly where I am because if it needs more with that disk, and I can do that at that stage rather than having to come back. But that is looking perfect. So quick 3,000 and then we’re on to polish.

Last Sunday stage. Then 3,000 grit trials at disk, right? Starting step one. Then I’ve just got a generic green compound in head on. We’re not using the dedicated foams. So I dare say they’ll be even better with the proper foams. But because we’ve got so many and we know what goes with what, we’re just using one of our green generic ones, give the polish a good shake up, make sure it’s all nicely mixed in the bottle and then you don’t need loads. Obviously, a little goes a long way with stuff like this. So I’m just gonna apply a few flops to the pad. And we’re right now, let’s get some of that on the panel, start working around a.

Okay, so that is step one done. So let’s give that a clean off with a clean marker of fiber and we’ll see where we are after step 1.

Okay, so already it has restored considerable shines. Absolutely no doubt about it. Now it is quite a heavy cutting compound, this step 1, which is why you have to use a second step afterwards. So what that will leave if you don’t use the second step is you’ll leave holograms that you see in the sun really badly. But the second step gets rid of all of those, cuts out all the swirl marks and holograms. So let’s get over it with the second step and we’ll see if we get that final glass.

Second step then is a nice soft black foam pad. Again, just a nice soft buffing pad. And that will work perfectly. Again, not using a dedicated pad for the polish, but these work ideal.

Okay, that is second stage done. So time for a wipe off then and we’ll see exactly where we are. Well, I don’t know how well it’s showing up on the camera, but from straight in front of it, that is a fantastic finish. But I am more than happy with that. That is absolutely bang on. So the real test will take a look outside in a nice natural viewing environment and see just how it looks. But inside, that is fantastic. It’s created such a nice, flawless finish. I’m really pleased with that. So safe to say this gets a thumbs up on fresh paint from us as well. Safe to say then, as a product for doing fresh clear coat, fresh paintwork, these are absolutely epic as well as they are for long established paint. I’m a big fan of these since we’ve been using them. I think we’re gonna carry on using this for time to come. We use a variety of different policies here, as you will have all seen, but they all slot in nicely to do an all round great job. And these are just another cog in that machine that produces fantastic finish. Oh, I’m super pleased with that. That looks great. It’s more than acceptable finish. You know, it polished up absolutely perfect. State the truth. So, yeah, absolutely bang on.