Spaghetti Hot Dog: A Game-Changing Twist on a Classic Favorite

Okay, hear me out. The best part about boiling hot dogs is that you get hot dog flavored water. Maybe it’s not the best thing, but a spaghetti hot dog? That, my friends, is the best thing. Amazing. Now, I can’t take full credit for this concept. I saw some other person stick a hot dog with spaghetti. They use pepperoni and marinara sauce and cheese. I’m changing that up a little bit and using marinara cheese and ricotta. I originally was going to call this a lasagna hot dog, but then the internet killed me and said it was a spaghetti hot dog. And because I’m a weak human, I succumbed to the criticism and decided to call it a spaghetti hot dog. Also, I don’t know if you guys have ever used King’s Hawaiian buns instead of hot dog buns, but holy geez, that’s a game changer. Also, you should pretty much always make your hot dog buns garlic bread. I’m just saying.