Avatar 3: Fire and Ash – A Journey into the Fiery Depths of Virtual Production

So, Avatar 3 has just been announced. It’s called Fire and Ash. It’s about fire. I predicted this two years ago because the first one was about air, the second one, Way of Water, was about water, and then two years ago I figured, I think the third one is going to be about fire. And with my prediction, I took it and made a little animated video. It gets a bit crazy, but I mean, hey, it’s Avatar 3 and it’s about fire and I really want to show it to you. Please enjoy. But yeah, it gets a bit crazy, but yeah. Big magical worlds and talking blue aliens, all in the realm of virtual production with James Cameron in the lead. Get into T-pose, guys. The suits aren’t calibrated yet. Motion capture has come a long way ever since Peter Jackson took it mainstream when producing the Lord of the Rings film with Andy Serkis playing the animated character Gollum. Now Avatar 2 is breaking new ground with motion capture suits that work underwater. This technological innovation was a dire necessity for the production. Guys, I’m not feeling this at all. Can we just take five? Can we, yeah, sorry, I need to. Same, same, what are you doing? What the fuck is that supposed to be? How can you call that acting man? I am at a loss for words, same. The question still remains, what technological feats still remains to be conquered by this modern day Thomas Edison? The mo-cap suits now work under lava. It’s amazing, total breakthrough. We’re here in New Zealand on an active volcano. In the new movie, the Avatars will fight the humans in the fire lanes. That’s why it’s called Avatar 3 Fire Lanes. Look, there he is, Jack Scholl, same here. He’s in the new mo-cap lava suit. It’s amazing. Um, hey, so yeah, you’re sure this is safe? Shut up, Jack Scholl, action. Ah, fucking AI versus. Oh my God, it hurts! Ah! Sam, God damn it, that’s not your line! This suit, oh my God, this suit, it doesn’t work! Ah, it hurts! This suit, it doesn’t work! No, actually, the suit works perfectly. Look, all the tracking data is coming through crystal clear. This is the future, Jake Scholl. Now swim, action, God damn it! Take me out, Jim! Take me out, Jim! You are not listening! We can mo-cap everything, everywhere, all at once! Don’t you run! Don’t you run! Don’t you run! Don’t you run! Don’t you run! At once! Don’t you realize that, Peter? I, uh, Sam, uh, Sully. Maybe we should let him up, Jim. We were so close to our goals, Peter. Why did you throw the wing into the volcano, Peter? You just had to fucking throw the ring into the volcano. Like, are you out of your mind? We were supposed to rule this world, not liberate it. Take me out, Jim, take me out! We built the best motion capture rig in the world. I fucking did it, Peter, and I’m taking back what’s mine. You thought I couldn’t get it back, huh? We’re a circus now, Pat. You fucking dumb fuck. This is how you build a rig in the 21st century. Let’s make a real life strange love baby. Swim! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! I’ll swim faster in this age of capitalistic technology. With distractions oozing out of every pixel, mankind is in a free fall to a nice, red moon. We storytellers have faked our species by making car commercials, mega beams, and TikTok bangers about the Jews instead of preaching the one single truth. To conquer the infinite galaxies, we must create the narrative that will kickstart our galactic empire, and it’s not our fucking former president who’s gonna push that button. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Now, the age of the post-quest alienation stage are over. Just like with Gutenberg, once everybody in the grammar to make a Hollywood film on their smartphone will be one step closer to ending the zero-sum game. The truth will set us free. I’m going to eat your ass, Jeff Bezos. Yeah, I hope it didn’t get too crazy for you, but yeah, it means that the fourth one, the fourth Avatar movie, is probably going to be about Earth, you know? Earth, you know, this stuff right here? And I’m thinking that maybe the fourth one will take place partially on planet Earth because Earth is Earth. I don’t know, what do you think? Thanks for watching. Please have a great day, yes.