Building a Toy Store in Tiny Toddler Town: A Creative and Functional Approach

It’s been a while since I added a build to my tiny toddler town, so today I am building a tiny toddler toy store. And I’m creating a little bit of a different shape of this, I wanted it to be indented in the centre, painting it to make it a little bit more like a toy store, and adding the doggy door so your toddlers can get in. I added this cute little awning that had fairy lights and then added windows around these sticky outy parts. To make the outside look a bit more fun, I added a couple of larger toys out here. And then for the inside, I’m adding shelves that line up with the windows and then adding loads of toys to these. I wanted to create a functional till that a toddler could use, so what I did is made a basement under the area I wanted the till, added some counters and sized them down in the basement and raised them up through the floor, and then did the same with a counter with a till on it and placed that over it. You can then remove the basement by sliding the basement away. Now on the regular floor, you can add a toy box, I’ve sized it down and raised it up so it’s under the till, and your toddler can use this toy box like it is the till, and then I’m just adding a few final details around the place.