Unleashing the Power: A Deep Dive into Black Ops 6’s Augment System

everything you need to know about Black Ops 6’s new permanent upgrade system. This new system is called augments, and these are singular buffs that will apply to every single perk, ammo mod, and field upgrade, but you have to make a choice out of six possible buffs. These are in the form of a choice of three major buffs and three minor buffs. You can equip one major and one minor buff to each perk, ammo mod, and field upgrade, and there are over 100 augments available at launch, with more to come post launch. The examples I was shown at Treyarch is Juggernaug with a list of major and minor augments, with the major augments being Dying Wish, Death Sentence, and Shields Up, where one of those incredible buffs can be applied to the Juggernaug perk to make it even better. Another example is upgrading the Brain Rot Ammo mod, where you can upgrade it to where it will brain rot elite enemies, and with the perk PhD Slider, you can unlock a major augment to enable the full PhD Flopper from back in the day. The way you unlock these augments is by activating augment research, and to do this, you simply choose the content that you want to power up, jump into games of zombies, and unlock game-changing abilities by simply earning XP. This should allow for a huge amount of variety and flexibility in the way that we play zombies, and there will be a whole new meta on how to upgrade and improve every perk, field upgrade, and ammo mod.