Cuckoo in the Comments: The Importance of Voting and Advocating for Change

Now here comes the cuckoo at the clock, jumping on my post, talking about some, she ain’t voting for Kamala Harris, Trump. You do realize you don’t vote, you don’t help yourself, so that SSI chick that you’re getting every month, if Trump get in there, it no more than, so I’m sorry for your luck, and while you came jumping on my post and I don’t even follow you, bitch I block you in traffic, find something else to do, because your kind of cuckoo I ain’t ready for. Find something else to do, find somebody else to play with, and go on a tour or something. But you’re not effective, no you’re irrelevant. You can’t explain to me about why you get SSI, and this man talking about taking it away, but yet still you not vote for Kamala, and nobody, I don’t need to explain that to you about her record. I ain’t trying to, I ain’t even sent for you, you just jumped on my post and thought you was going to get away with it. Talk to the left, stupid asses, stupid doves, and TikTokers.