Monsters Inc. Movie Night: Scream Canisters, Candy Sushi, and Boo’s Door Creations!

This movie night and tonight’s theme is Monsters Inc. This video was actually supposed to be posted on Saturday, but y’all I just did not have it in me this weekend to get up and do a voiceover. I don’t know but social media has been very overwhelming for me. I’ve just been tuning in to Instagram lately. Plus I have some big news. I’m gonna tell y’all a little later. Let’s get into this movie night. This movie night was originally supposed to be done before they went back to school, but it did not happen like that. I have to say my favorite part of this movie night was making the scream canisters. They were just so cute. I seen them on Pinterest. Yeah they were cute. Right here I’m just making Harry Halson’s sushi roll. I know the famous PB&J, but baby they weren’t gonna eat that. I just made it out of candy and Rice Krispies. I already know where Mike took Celia. Yeah that place. Anyways, I’m recreating Boo’s Door. Well at least I tried. Like I said I am not an artist. I just do this for my boys. So please do not come for my marshmallow treats because they got stuck to the plate and that’s why some of it broke. But they still came out cute and the boys still ate it down. For the tablecloth I originally was gonna do like half Mike and half Sully, but it didn’t work out like that. So Sully it is. Everything just turned out so freaking cute. They had chicken fries as Randall, curly fries for Celia, her hair of course, the scream canisters, all their treats. They devoured this whole table and I love that for them. Follow me for more. We’ll see y’all next movie night. Bye.