Protecting Your Assets: Strategies to Safeguard Your Wealth During Divorce and Lawsuits

If you don’t want to lose half of your money or half of your assets during a divorce or a lawsuit, watch this video. Step one, all of your assets should be under an LLC, ideally in a state where they allow you to become an anonymous registered agent so nobody knows what you own. Step two, make sure all of your properties are under LLCs as well. I live in Florida so they allow homesteading which allows even stronger protections for your primary residence. Step three, don’t forget to put your toys under the LLCs as well. I have my wakeboarding boat, I have my yacht under separate LLCs, I even have my jet skis under a separate LLC as well. The last thing that you want is your ex-wife to be riding around in your wakeboarding boat with her new man. Then you want to pay your asset protection attorney about $40,000 to take all those LLCs and put them into one irrevocable trust that’s managed out of the Cayman Islands. That’s what I did. Now if you get divorced or sued, you don’t own any assets. It’s all owned by the trust managed in the Cayman Islands. Now unfortunately the Caymanian government does not recognize U.S. divorces or judgments. Click the link in the bio if you want to learn more. I’m doing a free training.