Elevate and Embrace Your True Essence: Clearing Ancestral Fear Programming and Stepping into Abundance

I love my love. So I am inviting you to drive with me today, hashtag safety. But I one first invite you to take a deep breath with me. I invite you to picture and imagine your nervous system is just so supportive of every single thing that you’re desiring in this lifetime. I invite you to feel so grounded in this chapter of your life. And I invite you to honor, accept anything and everything that is going on in your life right now. Take another deep breath in letting it go. And from this point, from this beautiful, grounded state, I invite you to rise. Consciously, subconsciously, I invite you to rise back into your soul truth. I invite you to rise into the energy of God, source universe of all there is. That I invite you to rise by some of the simple things that I’m going to speak about today.

So as I was driving, and obviously I know and you know that really high professionals, spiritual leaders like myself and yourself, we have to release. So we have to clear.

So as I was driving and I had these thoughts come up and I was like, well, these are out of the woodwork. Like this is not my thought. This is not who I am. I’m not available for it. I can’t even fathom having these thoughts. So I just kind of tuned in and I was like, where is this coming from? And it was like ancestral and I was like, okay, where is it coming from within my body? And it was like, right in your solar plex. There’s a big program there that’s very ancestral, very rich in fear. And I was like, oh, okay, well, let me just take a moment to just not freak out. You know, you naturally freak out. Oh, there’s a G Wagon right there. Yes. We love you, G Wagon.

Yes, I was. I see you in my future. We naturally as a collective can freak out when things aren’t going right. We can stress, we can worry, all the things. So I come to you in a very relaxed state, vibration frequency, so that you can relax too. This is very important.

So what I started saying was, I was like, okay, so there’s a big program in my solar plex that’s fear base. And then I said, but I can’t even fathom having those thoughts or holding on to those thoughts or even desiring to cultivate with those thoughts. And I’ll tell you the thought that I had, because a lot of us are going through these really big fear purges, and this is what happens.

Remember that we are beautiful beings of light, and our bodies store ancestral programming and thoughts, release values, all the things. So when we’re anchoring into our next level, we might have cleared a lot of our ancestral trauma, things of that sort. But we might get to a point where we’re anchoring to the next level and then something in our body, a frequency that no longer needs to be there will pop up for us to clear.

So like I said, instead of freaking out, you approach it in a different way. You approach it in a calm perspective. So the thought that I thought that, I thought I was driving out of a parking lot. I had just dropped off some paperwork. I was driving out of a parking lot and I saw an old beat up car. And then in my mind it said I should be driving that car. I shouldn’t be driving this Mercedes. And then I ask myself, do I feel worthy of driving this Mercedes? And of course, that program is screaming at me. It was like, no, I don’t feel worthy of driving that Mercedes. I shouldn’t even have this car. And I’m like, oh, that’s some ancestral right there, right? So then what I started doing was I said, you know what? I can’t even fab them not driving Mercedes. I can’t even fathom driving any type of car. That’s a lot, you know, a lower version, other Mercedes. I can’t even fathom it. I can’t even fathom making, you know, a certain type of amount of money in my bank account. I can’t even fathom, you know, having less than a certain type of client. I can’t even fab them it right? That’s who I was speaking from my infinite truth, speaking from an infinite truth, right?

So then from a column, say I said, ancestors of the light. I’m not available for this program anymore, and I can’t even fathom that my ancestors would want me to live a life of poverty, would want me to live in a frequency that is not my truest essence. I don’t hold on to this anymore. I actively invite you to release it. I invite you to release it. I invite you to cleanse it. I invite you to clear it.

Because I can’t even fan them having this frequency in my vibration that is creating thoughts to my mind that are not mine, not my infinite truth whatsoever, right? And the reason why I wanted to say this to you is because a lot of times when people think thoughts that are not theirs, they just naturally become yours and you start to live your life in that way, right?

So I could have, you know, easily went on a spider like, oh, maybe I’m not worthy of driving this Mercedes. Maybe I’m not worthy of having overflowing abundance. Maybe I’m not worthy of serving like all these things. I could totally went there, right? But I was like, no, that’s not who I am. This is just a program that gets to be released because I’m entering a new chapter of my life, right? Boom. So lesson for you here is one, whatever you’re going through, approach it from a grounded state. Because when you’re ungrounded, very unconsciously ungrounded, it creates chaos in your life and you just start . So come from a place that is so grounded, that is such a frequency of, I cannot even fathom living in that way.

Or maybe you’re entering a new chapter, right? Maybe you’re entering a new level of your business, a new level of love, a new level of abundance and money and wealth. Okay. Well, you know, I can’t even fathom making less than this amount every year, right? And you start integrating that and you start believing that and you start really, you know, obviously I’ve been doing this work for so long, so it’s easier for me to get to come to this conclusion. But maybe someone that has not experienced, you know, higher vibrational success in business or life or money or whatever. There is a part of you that’s like, well, I’ve never experienced it, so I don’t even know how to anchor into it, right? But same thing when I first started growing and evolving, I had an experience, some of the things that I’ve experienced at this point, but I just had to trust. I had to trust that there was more for me. And then I had to trust that I get to cultivate the reality and lifestyle that I desire. So go on a ramp and just talk about, you know what, you don’t found them, right? So for example, I travel every single year. So one of my things was, I can’t even fathom not going to Bali every year. Like it’s literally this is my third year going to Bali. Like I can’t even fathom next year not going to Bali. I can’t even fathom it. I can’t even fathom, you know, launching a program and not receiving clients. Like, I can’t even fathom it because I know that my work is worthy of massive compensation.

Amanda Francis, quote, I know that my work is very LA like. I know my work is very live transforming, right? So the reason I’m saying this is because these are the things that you get to cultivate if right now you’re building a business in program and you’re offering your services and you don’t feel confident with your services, that’s how the launch is gonna show up. You know, people aren’t gonna feel that confidence that you could take them, right? Cuz we always mirror who we are.

So for example, I know my like language academy is transforming and I receive people that are ready for the transformation. I know my money embodiment program is transforming. I receive people that are ready for the transformation. I know my 1 to 1 calls are legendary. I receive the people that are ready for the transformation, and it will always be like that. And this is the thing I’ll, you know what’s, it’s my team is downloading some right, some things right now. It’s because listen, if you’re launching a program service offer, right? And maybe people are coming into your DMS and they’re going, oh my God, I really can’t afford your program, yadi yalla. So then you start, you know, doubting yourself. You start doubting the price. You start doubting all the things people will always come to you with their stories. People will always project on you, you know, in ways that does not feel right to you. And we live in a world of mirrors. And the only thing we get to do is choose what projections, you know, are right for us and what projections are not right for us. So if you’re, say you’re launching a 10 thousand dollar program and someone, you know, five people come into your Pro, into your DMS, they’re like, oh my god, I would really love to work with you, but I just kind of Ford it right now. So then instead of saying like, oh my God, all these five people can afford me, I should lower my prices. It’s more like, okay, well, I’m so excited to meet the beautiful soul that’s ready to pay the $10,000 to integrate and transform their life. That’s the projection that you want to, you know, sit in. That’s the reality you wanna sit in because you came to that price for a reason.

And I’ve had these quest, I’ve had these chats with, you know, when I first started elevating my prices, I was like, universe, should I be charging this one much money? Because I have beautiful people in my life that are like, oh, I don’t know why healers are charging. This is crazy. No wonder you’re not making money, right? I have heard people speaking like this and I’m like, that’s not true. I’m like, you can charge whatever you want. There’s always people that are gonna pay. There are people that pay millions of dollars for a year of coaching. There’s people that pay $2,000 per year of coaching. There is people that pay $50,000 for a year of coaching. It’s just who you want to work with, who you want to attract and when you’re ready to attract those people. It’s doing the work to feel confident to attract those people. So if you wanna charge $200 for your call, charge $200. There are people, I’ve paid people $500 for a call before. I pay people $15,000,$20,000 for a program before, like, if you want it, you’re gonna pay for it. You’re gonna figure out how to pay for it. And it’s important to know if a client wants to work with you, they’re gonna figure out how to pay for it.

I remember one time I wanted to work with the coach and I literally worked on myself for at least a year until I could afford working with her. And I knew I was, I couldn’t even fab them not working with her. And what did that do? It elevated me to a new income bracket.

So this was just a little insight. You know, if you’re coming up to fear, cuz a lot of people are coming up to fear right now. A lot of people are doubting themselves. A lot of people are feeling it with a capital F, trust that your infinite truth will always lead you in the right place. And then, you know, when you’re out of sorts, come back to your heart, what is my truth right now? Won’t everything is available for you. The most juicious timeline is available for you. You just gotta step on it, my love. You gotta tune that radio. You gotta turn up that vibration. You gotta kick those old programs and live out your best . I’m actually driving through an old neighborhood that I used to live in, and it’s so interesting because me, my mom and my sister would always go to a restaurant over here. And it’s no longer hell. My God, it’s so crazy.

But anyways, that’s my little video for you to today. I hope you loved it. Let me know your takeaways from below if you are ready to elevate up, upload, upload, if you’re ready to elevate and upload some new high vibrational frequency, definitely check out my programs. I have beautiful programs, whatever season you’re in. I have money, I got light language, I have channeling, I have 1 to 1 calls, I have being receptive to receiving at a higher capacity. So if you have a certain thing going on in your life and you’re like, Melissa, just recommend a service to me.

Just send me a DM and go, hey Melissa, this is what’s happening in my life. I’m ready to work with you. I’m ready to move forward. This , I’m done with it. G Wagon to my right. What’s up?

Yeah, send me a message. Let’s work together. Let’s co create. Let’s make some magic. Let’s make some magic. I’m like, well, my windows are very tinted, so I don’t really think you can see me. But if you can see me, people just saw me dancing. Yeah. Okay. I love you, Matt. Have a beautiful day.