Exploring Exotic Twists: A Taste Test Adventure with Jackson and the 4 Flavors

So Jackson and I are going to try four flavors today. We’re going to do the strawberry rhubarb. We’re going to try the lemon lime. Try the ginger lemon and turmeric. I think this one’s going to be my favorite. It’s the orange mango. Now these are supposed to be indescribable, so we’re going to have Jackson, the 27 year old food critic. I’ll take the first sip and then we’ll go second. And that was in the middle. Okay. I really liked the orange mango because it’s got more of that mango aftertaste, which is really good. Strawberry rhubarb. I don’t know how I’m going to do this. I kind of like that. Thumbs up! Yay! Thumbs up! I think another one, this one will be one that I like. He’ll like the lemon. I’m going to like the last one, like real well. Okay, you try that one. That one gets a thumbs up from me. Thumbs up! Last one. The last contestant. The last contestant. Lemon lime. Lemon lime. Okay. I think that’s going to be your favorite. That’s medium? Really? These both are medium. The two, the lemon lime and the orange mango, Jackson voted those as medium, right? And then he gave thumbs up to the strawberry rhubarb and to the ginger, lemon and turmeric. These were a thumbs up from him. These were a thumbs medium. So that’s still pretty good for a critique. Thank you for helping me. You’re welcome.