Unlucky Escapes and Unexpected Successes: A Comedy of Errors on the Golf Course

At least 150 yards sir. This is genuinely the worst nine holes I’ve ever played in my life. Like shank. But look at this escape I get from the tree here, it’s actually pretty impressive. Bang bang. Boom straight on. And then I actually hit a good shot but it decides to hit a tree. How come every time I take a golf swing it looks like I’m trying to start a lawnmower by the way. And then of course lost my ball so I had to get a radioactive looking one. This shot lands pretty close to the green to be fair. This is my first time ever playing on wet greens and it’s like eye opening how the ball just does not travel at all. It’s like it has velcro on it. I just try to tap it on here, it just doesn’t work at all. I’m obsessed with like chipping it onto the green when I clearly should be using a putter at that point but I actually managed to get it in for the one putt which I’m pretty surprised about. I think if it was actually dry the ball would have just carried on going for ages so it kind of came in clutch here. I’m just going to start commenting my videos from now on to be fair. I’m just absolutely like sick of just doing like the same thing over and over again and I’m sure it’s boring for you just to watch me hit the ball into a tree every three seconds.