Nighttime Skincare Routine: Dr. Diamond’s Insane Facial and Ivan’s Beauty Sandwich Unveiled

Okay, so I’m washing my face. I just got home from this beautiful dinner in New Hamptons with Dr. Diamond from LA and Ivan who has the beauty sandwich, who I love. He does this amazing beauty sandwich lifting thing. The thing is sometimes I wash my face, but sometimes I’m too lazy and I just don’t. So I’m very much like a sprinkle water on my face and just let it see. But today we had the most beautiful dinner. It was so yummy. Everything we were eating was like literally felt like it was just food for the soul, the skin, everything. And okay, so now Todd do you want to do something? Can I do some skincare? Yeah, Todd doesn’t ever do skincare. This is going to be amazing. Wait, you want to switch sides? I think we do this first. Okay, so anyway, here are, we got the most, we’re so lucky, we got Dr. Diamond’s insane medicine. So this is one and then here’s the other and then also Ivan’s beauty sandwich like amazing face. I said this one’s for me too. No, first you do this. That one? Okay, so this is supposed to be like all of the magic that he does on all of it. Oh wow. Okay, so this is what it looks like. So did they say how to put it in? Yeah, it’s a dropper. You need more. So what do we do? Okay, now what? Do I put it in my hand? Shoot. I’m going to put it on my face. I’m going to do it like this. Honey, I can’t see. This is how the influencers do it. Oh, like that? Oh, oh, oh. Okay, couples that cleanse together. Oh, that’s nice. Stay together. Honey, do it in the camera. I don’t know, the camera’s too small. Okay, so this is supposed to be like the insane facial that Dr. Diamond does and it’s giving you, so you’re supposed to do it like this. And it’s giving you, so you’re supposed to do, put this on twice a day. Then you put on the beauty sandwich. No, that’s the finisher. Then where’s the other beauty sandwich part? No, that’s not. No, this you put on in the middle, Lisa. No, no, you weren’t listening. I was. No, that’s wrong. Mmm, it’s so yummy. This is what I usually wear like every day in my life. It’s literally the only thing I usually wear, so I’m very used to it. I’m going to do it the right way. Okay, he’s doing it the right way. Then, I know the other way, you put this on. Can I have some? Oh, this is really nice too. How much do you put on? I don’t know. Put this. That’s enough. Oh, this is really nice too. I’m going to start doing more skincare. Just put it in. Tomorrow we’re actually going for an appointment, so I’ll tell you how it is. Honey, doesn’t it feel good? Yeah, it’s like a facial massage. We’re starting a new year, new us. Starting in… Starting in August? Starting in September. New year is back to school for us, so… When the rosé intake goes down. We got back home into the city. Okay, that feels really good. Okay, now we’re going to put the finisher back on. I’m just going to do the beauty sandwich on twice because I love it. And it makes my skin very refreshed and beautiful. It smells so good. I know. It’s literally all I use. Oh, wow. Now I know why you smell so good, honey. Mm-hmm. When I use anything, that’s what I use. Okay. Hands are greasy now. Now we’re going to go to bed. Fresh and gorgeous. Mmm.