Random Chatter with Belle and Mia: From Snacks to Breakups

Name a snack that might make a Big Mac happy. Chips. Uh, uh, Big Mac. McDonald’s. I’ll go with a Big Mac. There’s a Big Mac. Myself, I’d rather have a Big Mac. Chips was good too though. Name something that a bully might do to a kid at school. Punch him. Uh, kick him in the balls. Belle, or Mia, go ahead. Belle, you did too much. That was just nasty. Name a perfect gift that you would get for a five year old. Girl. Can I say, um. A puppy. No. Barbies. Barbies. Puppy would be like over the top though. Go ahead Belle. Me? Belle. She said a puppy. That would be crazy. I can have it. Name an excuse that a kid might make up why he doesn’t have his homework at school. A dog chewing it up. Or he lost it. No dog, like someone took it. A nade took it. A who? A nade. What? A nade. Belle, uh uh. Go ahead Mimi. Name something you might find in outer space. A star and an alien. No, I’ll catch it. Go ahead Belle. Hmm, you didn’t even give me a chance. You didn’t even try to say nothing Mia. And for the grand finale, give me a reason someone may break up with their boyfriend. Because cheating. And they found, and um, if they’re being rude and they go to a different girl with a party and they keep saying it’s my mom. Like it’s my mom, but it’s literally their girlfriend that they’re cheating on. That didn’t even make sense. I said it wrong. I said cheating.