Stalkraft X: Navigating the Perils of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Three games you need to play and this one is rated mostly positive on Steam. It’s a huge MMO set in the Chernobyl exclusion zone and is filled with monsters, anomalies and secrets. It’s a PvP and PvE game that has us looking for artifacts, doing quests and taking part in faction wars. One thing that immediately stands out is when you’re doing a raid, if you die you don’t lose all your stuff, only a small percentage. So it makes for a fun and not so relentless game. It’s been inspired by Counter-Strike and Call of Duty so they wanted a fast paced game with no leveling mechanic. Your survival is all down to what gear you have. You can buy, find or craft things and the game has a fully developed open economy which means you can be the game’s trader and make money that way. The game is very clear with its monetization, everything you can buy you can get in game. It’s just a way for you to pay to do things quicker. Some of the areas of character leveling for example. They are really pushing the narrative side of things onto the player base which is always concerning but the game is called Stalkraft X and is only out on Steam.