Feminine Charm: The Art of Asking for What You Can Do for Yourself

You see pretty girls who know how to carry themselves, bad bees who look the part. Now I’m in a queue. It’s not your father, it’s not your mother that would accept you in your worst. I’m sorry. Nobody owes you anything. So you really have to play that part. That’s what you owe yourself. You owe yourself good looks to be able to be liked or taken seriously by the world. Else, sister, shifts. Number three, when you look the part, the part also has to involve your character. Not just your looks, but the looks first. Do you understand? It’s step by step stages. The looks first, followed by your character. What do I mean? When you want to ask a man for money, be your talking stage, be your man, be your friend to benefit. You have to be feminine. You have to be soft spoken. Me, when they hear so, I be where I am. I be where I am. I’m in the touch. But when it is money matter, when it is time to ask my man for, I’m in mellow. Nobody determine I be calm, I be chill, I be on bull. Because who be your guide your angel? Nobody owes you nothing. You have to be feminine. One thing about men, men do not want to deal with a fellow man like them. That’s why you see that people say and it’s true. It’s more easier for women to get their way than a man. Men are the help their fellow men. You know, because they feel like what I have you have. So what I can do, you can do it. Go and look for a way to do it. It’s not me that will help. It’s not me that provide for you. It’s only rare cases that you see a man help a fellow man. You understand? Well, as a woman, a man is willing to help us do things for us, favor us, do us favors. Why? Because we’re soft. We are soft spoken. We are soft in flesh. We’re soft in our courage. We’re soft in our character. Even in the way we present ourselves. We are meant to appeal to not just men to ourselves as well. You are meant as a woman, you are meant to appeal to everybody. Don’t let anybody tell you, I’m anything I’m doing. I’m doing it for myself and myself alone. My love, you are lying. You’re doing it for yourself and to be appreciated by others as well. You are doing whatever you’re doing for yourself to look good for yourself, to feel good for yourself and for other people to notice and appreciate you. If it wasn’t only you did this world, my friend, you would do it every day. You would do every day the commons. Would you not just wear a beanie to go out if you were the only one in? Won’t you just wear a beanie? Tie a scarf on your head. Wear something simple to go out. But you and I know that you want that compliment. You want to be admired, which is very OK, which is even normal. It’s perfect. It’s human nature to be admired and complimented by others. That is the reason why you have to look the part and speak the part, carry the part, embody the part. So you have to be feminine. You want to ask your man for money, your man, your talking stage. Your friend will benefit. Bae, if it’s your man, Bae, Bae, can I get some money to go to my hair? Like, Bae, I want to get some money to go to my hair. I feel like this hair is really going to look good on me. Bae. I know you haven’t seen this color of shoes on me before. Bae, I have issues. Bae, I need this. Bae. With Bae, Olga will be sending you money every blessed day, every two days, every three days, every day. It’s because of how soft spoken you are. You have to be feminine about it. Not eh, Ola, Ola, I want money. Ola, send me money now. Ola, you don’t go send me money. It won’t work. Sorry, it won’t work. Ola is not working for you. Ola, not come on this life, can’t work for anybody. It won’t do shit for you. Eh, Ola, come and send me money. They play with my fans. You just they play. Be feminine about it. Your talking stage. You want to ask your talking stage for money. Thompson, Thompson, it’s the weekend. I haven’t even gotten weekend hair. Thompson, please. Can I get money to buy hair? Dayo, I really have this issue and I would like for you to come through for me. Please, can I get some money? Kelvin, I’m really in a fix right now. And I would appreciate if you can do this for me. When you talk as a girl, as women, we have power. We get power. We know just know. The way you talk to a man, even an angry man, go calm down. It go chill. It go cool. Because of your manner of approach, because of how feminine you are about it. So you have to be feminine and soft spoken when asking a man for me. If we’re together with my man and I want to ask you for I’m already touching your ears. I’m already playing with your hair. I’m already giving you a back massage. This is a man I’m already with. I’m dating. That’s already spending money on me. But the charm always works. The charm of being feminine always works. So I will always give you that massage. I will always rub your ears. I will always lay on your chest. I will always play with your belly button when I want to ask you for money. Not because if I don’t do it, I will not get the money. But I enjoy being feminine in the process. And that’s what you ladies should do as well. Be feminine whether you’re talking stage, whether your friends will benefit, whether you’re man, be feminine when you want to request for something and watch magic happen. Number four, you have to ask for what you can do for yourself. You want me man buy you house. You never feel buy block. You want me man buy you car. One tire you cannot afford. Who are you playing with? Are you joking? You want a man to open store for you. Which business you did do? Which idea you will put for a table? Which business idea you don’t table for him? You have to ask a man for what you can do for yourself. No once, not twice. If I have asked somebody for money, yeah. That if you don’t do it, I will go run them. If you don’t do it, I will ask you and you will say I don’t feel like doing it. I feel like doing it. I just did ask because I’m a girl who loves to save her coins. As a girl, I love to be taken care of. As a girl, I love to be spoiled. So of course, why not get something free? I love freebies. I’m a girl and I’m proud to say I love freebie. I like Osho free. You have a problem with that? Well, I don’t. So you have to make sure that before you ask somebody for money, whether you’re man or whether you’re talking stage or your friends or somebody that just said hello to you, you have to make sure that you can do that thing for yourself. So that when you’re asking, you’re asking with confidence. Please, I want this. Can you do it for me? If he doesn’t do it for you, another man will. So another man doesn’t you do it for yourself.