Finding Hope in the Darkness: A Message of Encouragement for Those Battling Inner Demons

If you’ve never experienced the constant battles in your mind of that feeling of not wanting to be here or you find it hard to believe why someone would ever feel that way, let me help explain. You see, personally, I never wanted to leave here. It’s when you wake up every single day and you have this feeling of emptiness. You still feel tired after a full night’s rest. It’s the type of tired that sleep doesn’t fix. It’s because each day you are using so much energy to stay alive that you have no energy the next day. With all that happening, our minds finally trick us into thinking we are nothing but broken. That there’s something wrong with us, that we are a burden, that our family or friends or that the world will just be honestly better off without us here. You see, it’s not like that we want to leave here. It’s that our mind makes us feel like that’s the only solution. And I still deal with those thoughts sometimes. So I will continue speaking to those who struggle and if that’s you right now, I just want to let you know that it’s not an option. Better days are gonna come. I’ll check on you tomorrow. One more day. We’re in this together. I love you.