Innovative Customer-Facing Technologies: Enhancing User Experience and Personalization at F&B

Maybe just lastly, just to hear from you. We know F&B for its innovations. You guys have been innovating. All these years from e wallet to, I don’t know, what sort of innovations are we looking forward to going into the future, talking about this data that you’re sitting on?

Yeah, I think so the biggest one from my perspective in the analytics that is directly customer facing is really the search and chat capabilities on the app itself. So what you would find today is the FNB app is incredibly rich in functionality. Actually, we often sometimes say internally that it is almost too rich. There is more than 100 different applets that you can pick from. And the truth is actually that many customers are not using even a fraction of that capability. So making it a lot easier for customers, making it a lot more simple for them is really if they can just ask stuff.

Now today, you can ask stuff whether you’re doing it in search when you open up the app and it it the FNB Apple give you a search bar and you’re typing there. How can we help you? You can ask a question there. It can give you links that today that you can click two different things. Now that is using natural language processing because it’s understanding what you’re saying. But what is not yet doing is giving you a very nice answer that summarizes the question and then gives you the links to be able to do it. So that’s really what we’re developing. There is obviously we have secure chat functionalities that you talk to a banker, but the banker does not answer immediately. So it is obviously what we are now trying to do is to get a generative AI agent so you’re able to give you an answer immediately. But yes, to be able to understand when it needs to reach you to a human agent, when that is where it is necessary to help our staff also help you on the platform. So that that is that I think is a, you know, is a big thing for us. I did talk about that in the customer facing.

So you don’t have to see like the urgent typing. It just gives you like straight.

Away, you can ask it value. That’s the whole point. You can ask it a question and it will be able to give you a much better answer today. It will give you immediate answer, but it’s not necessarily, it will give you links that you then can click to do. Let’s say your colleague asked the question about e wallet. So yes, you can ask it to e wallet. It will give you a link to, that’s where you get to like reverse the e wallet, whatever, stopping e wallet, whatever it is that you want to do. And but I think it can be easier to use. And then we have very rich information. Like I said, we have all these like hundred plus applets. How are we packaging that and communicating it to you and why that is more relevant and contextual to you. You would see that we are, for example, you know, we’ve, we’ve got, we’ll put up advertisements for products. We have the, we have the, the, my offers. I have to log in to get to that. And it gives me like just for me, it gives me a Tyler set of things. And you would see these evogot pictures with them, etc. Yeah, so our ability now to be able to mass personalize these, we’ve put in buttons like or dislike. So we know, okay, okay, don’t show that again. This person doesn’t want. So, okay, again, people tell us, why are you showing me the software I don’t like it. It’s not what I want. Well, now you can tell us you don’t like it. We won’t show you that one again. And it’s across our pillars. So our transact land in waste insured, that’s typically how we group things. So if I had to, you know, say one thing, that’s what customers see, then obviously we have huge innovations that are not what you see. That is how we are better at providing credit to you, how we’re better at fraud management, how we’re better at all of those. So those things, it’s often easier to do because we can do it in the background if the customer will get the benefit, but they may not even know it immediately. They may not notice it. But the, the, but they will at least not, you know, fall prey to fraud or they will get finance. Maybe what they, what, which otherwise we may not been being able to give them or offers like that.

So that’s a lot of the innovation is actually not necessarily directly what the customer can see, but it’s the customer experience. And it’s incredibly, because we have got such a rich state of things, it creates a challenge. What is the right thing to actually be talking to a customer? How do we give a customer financial advice that is suited to they need on a mass basis? That would be probably my last example from that is really, if you think about it, do you, does everybody or 10 million customers on the retail side, do they all have access to a private banker that, over a wealth advisor that can advise them? No. But through NAV money and many of our tools, we can help them manage a budget. We can give them tips on how to improve the credit status. We can help them with invasions, etc. And, and AI and generative AI will allow us to do that much more in in the in English and maybe in other languages as well soon.

But certainly for now, that is the way people really thing. If you can give them a personalized message for them, it’s much more interesting then if they’re thinking, well, we’re just displaying some ad because we want to sell something.