Volcanic Oil Absorber: The Perfect Solution for Shine Control Over Makeup

So I just quickly wanted to come on and reply to this comment. As you can see, I have got my volcanic. Yes, it can be used over makeup. As you can see right now, I do have makeup on and you can just easily roll over the areas where you may be a little bit oily, a bit shiny, and it will remove that shine from your face. You just have to roll over very gently. But as you can see, it’s cleared up that oiliness under my eyes, that shininess, and it’s now like mattified it. And then also just to show you here on my forehead. Again, I just roll over the area and it will get rid of that shininess. So as you can see, it works just as perfect over makeup as it does without and that is the Volcanic Oil Absorber. This also has a brush on the other end, which you can then use for top-ups. You can use this to apply powder or just brush over.