Missed the High Smile 50% Off Sale: A Frustrated Customer’s Experience

I want a refund from High Smile. So I recently resupplied my toothpaste to then find this bullsh**. 50% off every damn individual product. Even all the toothpaste flavors I literally just missed out. So I have been using the Barbie Pink Bubble Gum Toothpaste and the Barbie Electric Toothbrush along with a couple other goodies. Now I paid the premium price for all these, which to be fair, it is worth it, but the fact that you can get any of their individual products for 50% is just a deal I’m so annoyed that I missed. It’s my boyfriend’s birthday coming up, so I might just take the opportunity to get him the Ice Pop and Blue Raspberry Toothpaste because apparently those are their best flavors. Anyways, if you’re like me, stock up for a friend, but if you haven’t tried any of their products now, is the one time to get it for dirt cheap.