Simplified Evenings: Enjoying Home Chef in New York City

Come along with me for a little evening in my life as in New York. After a long day trekking around New York City, the last thing I want to do is figure out what to eat for dinner. But this month I’m trying out Home Chef and it’s really simplified my routine and made my nights more enjoyable. Especially if you share it with a roommate or significant other, it’s such a fun way to cook together and just enjoy quality time together without having to do all the boring details that are involved with cooking. And if you’re a student, you can use student beans to get 50% off of your first four orders with Home Chef. Every single meal I’ve tried so far has been so good and this one especially was one of my favorites. It only took about 20 minutes to make and there was zero ingredient waste and we can just enjoy the rest of our evening.