First Day of Middle School: A Reflection on Time Flying By

Today was the day it’s the first day of school and my baby went to middle school. I cannot believe it. Where has this time gone? I remember when he was ridges age and he had his little trucks and he was playing in the mud Now all he wants to do is play baseball and be on video games and go fishing Occasionally we got ourselves up bright and early and we made breakfast But he was too nervous to even eat breakfast So I just stuck it in his lunch, but I can tell you one thing that I absolutely Love about him going to middle school is that he does not have to be to school until like 9 o’clock And we usually get up pretty early around 6 37 So we’re able to just hang out for like an hour and a half two hours and slowly wake up get breakfast ready And it’s so nice. How is everyone else doing with their kids going back to school? Are you back in school yet? Are you going next week? When did everyone else go? I of course wanted to take family pictures because he is going into middle school So I got ready and we all hopped in the truck and we found one of the employees So they could take our picture before we left Because I knew it was gonna be absolutely crazy at the school and we weren’t gonna be able to do it there But these are the pictures that I got and I hope everyone has a great day and I’ll see you later