Kids’ Fabulous Haircut Transformation: A Mother’s Styling Journey

Hey, hey y’all, hope you’re having a fabulous Monday. Today is the day all my kids got a haircut because they were looking crazy. First it was my girl and now it is my boy and if you know me I do not do boy’s cuts. Only for my kids and I only like to do it for my oldest because he has super thick hair so if I mess it up it is camouflage. I think I get better and better every time I do his hair. I was trying to give him a nice head massage but he did not appreciate. He kept saying ow, like what? He does not understand a good head massage when it’s in front of him. He had me at the teacher tonight so we had to get him looking right. OMG y’all did you see my video earlier? My girl’s hair turned out so cute. We were both obsessed and she now looks like she’s 10 years old. Making me regret cutting her hair. Just kidding, she just looks so mature. We love a good redkin wax spray moment. Like who is this kid? He does not even look like the same kid. We did not give him one haircut this summer so his hair was crazy long. Look how handsome you guys he is ready to rock the fourth grade. Alright y’all we are off to dinner so I will see you in my nighttime reset. Bye guys.