The Surprising Adventures of a Boy Mom: The Potato Olympics

Being a boy mom is just surprise after surprise after surprise. This morning I’m getting my kiddos backpack ready for school. Reach down, I found a potato just chilling in his backpack when I said, hey Liam, why is there a potato in your backpack? He says to me, it’s from the potato Olympics you silly mommy. I decided to play in this a little bit and I start looking around in his backpack and I’m like, well, are there any other competitor potatoes from the Olympics? He says, no, that’s the gold winner that you’re holding. So then I say, why is he in your backpack? He informs me he’s in the backpack because he’s hiding because he doesn’t want any of the other Olympians to take his gold medal. So my friends, I have an Olympian gold medal winning potato here. Be jealous.