The Intricate Game of Dating: Decoding Female Behavior and Signals

These girls know how to play the game so well It’s really getting to the point where y’all boys don’t even know what’s happening bro these girls who are both You’ll be dating a girl and she’ll be talking about oh, I don’t know why Alex keep texting me You know, I don’t know why he’s texting me when he knows I’m gonna when he knows I got a man Right and in the back of your mind like oh, yeah. Oh She don’t like him but reality bow. She’s doing as a front She’s doing that as a front bow because whenever you bring up Alex is all negative, right? But what she doing when her when when she’s alone, you know saying when she’s alone with Alex they get an active They link and they talking but when she’s with you, she’s actually like he hates she hates Alex You know I said and this happens on a constant occasion bro. So y’all boys who keeps in oh, yeah, don’t worry My girl’s loyal. She hates this guy. Oh the guys the guys that these girls hate I’m guaranteed about if you ever bow if you ever sneak on you know figure out what your girlfriend really doing The guys that she says she hates those are the guys that she likes I ain’t gonna lie bro and this happens to everybody Alright