Office Makeover in Progress: Design Inspirations and Plans

Okay, let’s just do a quick office tour. Here’s a little overview. It is a mess I know we’re working on that right when you walk in you will see I have like my reading chair I have really gotten into reading these days So I wanted like a big comfy chair that I could stretch out and read and up here I’m thinking about doing like a gallery wall and putting this like lampshade on um a big floor lamp and then if you come this way I have my two windows which i’ve ordered some like options of curtains to Put like on the windows and I was thinking of doing a vanity right here And as far as the reading chair goes, do you guys think I should do like a coffee table? Right here just so everything isn’t like against the wall or maybe like an ottoman or just something And then I was also thinking about doing a side table for like my drinks my books stuff like that And then when you come over this way from the window, then this is where my desk is going to be Um, and forget like all the outlet covers. We just haven’t put them back on after painting Um, but i’m going to put my desk right here, which I just got in today So a part two to like this will be coming very soon And then an area rug under my desk and then I want to we have like two spare tvs So I want to put one right here and maybe do like a diy. Um Frame for it and then over here by the door You’ll see I have like these two mirrors Which I don’t think i’m going to put any other mirror in my office since these doors Both have mirrors because that would just be a little excessive So, yeah, let me know what you guys think if you have any interior design ideas, then I I will take all of them because I have no idea