Striving for Success: Leaving No Doubt in Pursuing Your Goals

If you want to truly get the things that you want in life, you have to leave no doubt. If there’s room for discussion, you did not do enough. The first stage of elevation that someone goes through is realizing that they are the common denominator and the world owes you nothing. Nobody cares how talented you are, what you went through, or how hard you worked. They care about how much value you bring to them. Someone’s not going to make you CEO of the business if they don’t think the business is going to explode with you being the CEO. And no one’s going to marry you if they don’t think you being there is going to improve their life drastically in every form. Now I know I’m saying the quiet part out loud, but this is just simply how the world works. So the way to do this is look at who you want to become and think about every trait that person would have to have and develop and improve every single one of those areas till you’re so good they can’t ignore you.