Musings of a Reluctant Worker: A Day in the Life of Corporate Chaos

Back to fucking work. No, no, no. Leave me alone. Stop. Make it stop. No slacks, no emails. Wow. All right. I love not being important. This is great. I’m good. Right, right, right. All right. No beanie today. It’s a little too hot. All right. Let’s start with slacks. Go through our inbox. We need a team update. This is why we get paid the big bucks, people. Yeah, just a bit busy on Maya. Going to be in calls all day. Just why don’t we just send it over to the new guy, have him earn his stripes a little bit. I don’t know if I’m cut out for this anymore. Like, fuck this shit. I’m so over it. I do not want to climb any higher. 10, 15 years ago, we didn’t have all these technology, just hard work and determination, right? Someone’s got to fix this mess, right? I wish I could be like Ethan sometimes. I will be out of office later this afternoon just dealing with some client issues. So, feel free to reach out to Travis or Cruz on the team.