Expressing Gratitude to Taxpayers: A Controversial Discussion on Work, Taxes, and Benefits

So I’m just on my way to the job center, right? And I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who pays their taxes, because without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Like the fact that I can still go out about my day and still do my things and get paid for not doing absolutely anything, because of others who are working and paying their taxes. I don’t think I’ve ever said thank you. So, genuinely speaking from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much and keep up the good work. Shalom people of God. I just wanted to come and talk about this video that you’ve just seen there about this lady, of course, who’s wearing a hijab. Is that a hijab or baka? One of it. But it looks like she’s mocking people who work hard and pay tax. Is it me that is getting this wrong? Or is it actually that she is just mocking people who pay tax? Because I just don’t understand why is it that she would say she’s on her way to the job center. For those people who are not familiar with the job center, in the UK, job center is a place where people go to report if they go work or if they’ve not been working and you can get signed off and then you can get money, benefits. So this is where she’s saying she’s heading so that she can just go and collect her money. And definitely she’s thanking people who work so hard and saying if it were not for people like that, definitely she would not be getting the comfortable life that she’s getting. For me, I find that offensive. I don’t know if maybe I’m getting this wrong. What do you guys think? She’s even got the guts of appreciating people and say people should keep up the good work of working and paying tax and then she can be paid. What do you guys think? For me, I think she’s of sound mind. I think she’s got the ability. I think she just has known on how to manipulate the system and on this video she’s just recorded herself walking and she just thought it was funny to come into the video. But guys, what do you think? Please put your comments and let us see what you guys think or maybe it is me that is getting wrong.